One cold January day…no wait, one extremely pigging freezing Janaury morning in which even Frosty the Snowman got chilblains and frostbite I arranged to shoot with Anna Johansson, she was staying in Dundee although she hailed from Sweden. Needless to say I organised it to be a studio shoot…way to cold for anything else. So in we go, kettle on, tea made and make up put on…erm not me that is. Whiz bang flash and we’re off to a flying start…

Anna Johansson
Then…oh look…it’s chair….how strange?!

Anna Johansson
Then something a little more creative perhaps…..

Anna Johansson

Anna Johansson
Then more tea and snacks……cuz snacks are important! ©(HS) 😉
also it’s time to get a step ladder out….and hope I don’t fall off and collapse onto the model from a great height, that would not make a good reference!.
Then we moved the sofa over, its becoming nearly as famous as the chair now..

Anna Johansson

Anna Johansson

Anna Johansson
And lastly some portraits… round the morning off.

Anna Johansson

Anna Johansson

Anna Johansson

Anna Johansson

Anna Johansson
What a very pleasant way to spend the morning, Anna is a fabulous model and a very lovely person too, great fun to work with and makes the shoot a very enjoyable experience. Sadly she is now back in Sweden and I hope she comes back to Scotland again in the Summer, if she does I sincerely recommend booking the Anna Johansson experience because I sure will be.