
5 thoughts on “Location

  1. Paul Bull Snook

    I have three simple words for your art, and the models you work with. And those words are Fantastic, Beautiful, & Respect.

  2. Mario Daou

    Good morning,
    I would like, Hereby, to ask permission to paint your pictures – images. I am a painter and you can see some of my work on my facebook.
    Awaiting your reply,
    Best regards,
    Je viens par la présente vous demander l’autorisation d’utiliser votre photo – image afin de la faire en peinture (toile). Je suis artiste peintre, vous pouvez visiter ma page Facebook – Mario Daou pour plus de renseignements.
    Dans l’attente de votre réponse affirmative ou négative,
    Merci et salutations,

  3. Wayne Jones

    Hi John
    When I came across your work I was immediately struck by your photography. The work that I found on Artfinder held me captivated for a considerably amount of time. Your sense of beauty, sensuality, light, colour and shade is bewitching. One particular work called “Chains of the Heart” touched me especially. May I ask permission to draw this enchanting lady. I’m an amateur pencil artist with a Facebook page Wayne’s gallery. Of course I will understand if you decide not to.

    Thank you for your consideration

    Kind regards


    1. admin Post author

      Hi Wayne

      Thank you for your kind comments, as long as the work isn’t for sale then I am happy for you to draw it.



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