So it would appear that Rachelle Summers and I have now had our tenth shoot together, how time flies and it certainly doesn’t seem like ten, we have still lots of ideas and locations to shoot. So here’s to the next ten shoots. I have to give credit to Virtual Images and Ivory Flame as the set was inspired by one of their images and Cheryl Elizabeth’s hippy tent. I used a mixture of the two sets as a jumping of point for this shoot. Lots colour and soft cushions etc etc.
As the shoot went on we built up the cushions and colours but started of with a plain white textured quilt.

Rachelle Summers

Rachelle Summers
A little lace top…

Rachelle Summers
And a splash of colour….

Rachelle Summers

Rachelle Summers
Now for something a little experimental….

Rachelle Summers
Adding a little more colour and texture…..and the precarious use of a step ladder!
Now to blitz everything with more colour!

Rachelle Summers
Some portraits….
And finally a little swishing around with the fan on….
I got to admit to feeling a bit poorly during this shoot, I was suffering from a stinking cold however we managed to get there with cups of tea, laughs and much friendly banter. I also noticed later that I was the 1000th person to add a reference to Rachelle’s Purple Port page. That is a huge achievement for a model and it is well deserved, Rachelle works extremely hard and is very professional so I’m not surprised to be the 1000th person.
Here’s to the next shoot 🙂