Late Summer I got a an email out of the blue, a model looking to work together when she was up in Scotland for a tour. I looked up her profile and was intrigued by the tattoos, so I was more than happy to work together in the studio. So one morning I picked up Savannah from the train station and headed to the studio…..stopping for the usual snacks on the way. With a lot of chat, cups of tea when we got there, make up, lights set up and we were soon shooting away. A theme of low light, shapes and mood.

Time for a little more colour, mood and a break…I picked up this red asian outfit from a second hand store in the Grassmarket in Edinburgh.

Portraits and 3/4 length images….Lights are changed and outfits dragged out to see what fitted. The silver gray dress was sourced from Nix Brown.

At this point one of the lights blew up 5 minutes before time and just before I was trying a new lighting technique. So we called it a day but a very very productive day, Savannah was a lovely model to work with, amiable, hard working and with great poses and modelling skill. She was open to experimental ideas and very patient when some tricky lighting needed set up. I highly recommended Savannah to any photographer, it was a great shoot. You can find her profile on Purple Port.