Monthly Archives: May 2015

Helen in the Studio

I had organized another studio day for St Andrews PS, this time Helen Stephens was the model of the day. It had only been 2 days before that I had worked with her at the old hospital but its always fun to work with Helen. After the members had taken their one hour slots I had a couple of hours at the end of the day. So I decided to be experimental, though some would just say mental.

And so we played about a bit….undercover

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Then I had an idea for a blindfold…..this is called ‘The Seer’


Helen Stephens

Helen Stephens

More playing about……

Cloud 9 DSC_0798-Edit


Then we found a bag of props in the studio with an old fashion lace dressing gown type thing.

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So I decided to get a bit more experimental with some red velvet…burlesque style.

Black and Red


Helen Stephens

Helen Stephens

and a little cabaret style shot.




All too soon time was up though and play time was over. Another enjoyable shoot had by all members of the club, including myself. Helen worked her socks off, always a pleasure to work with and highly recommended to any photographer…just hide your Chocolate 😉