I had never worked with Carla before, I’ve seen her work and knew she was often up in Scotland but I never had the chance to get to work with her. So when the pandemic hit it gave me an opportunity to create something remotely when Carla set up some scenes in her home. Again I was trying to work on a specific editing technique this time with subtle pale colours.
The lighting and techy bits were set up by Adrian Crook

A quick change of hair style, accessories and props……and something fluffy!

Another change for some mono work….

Our final scene was a complete change of set…basically a different room altogether, already set up with drapes and props.

I loved the images from this remote shoot, Carla was lovely to work with and Adrian was chatty, helpful and friendly during the shoot set ups. Hopefully at some point we can get a 1-2-1 shoot, however the world is topsy turvy at the moment so who knows when. Anyways, I highly recommend a remote shoot with Carla, fabulous set ups, props and clothes….and of course model.