Yes its true we do have a summer in Scotland albeit a very short one, and on a very warm day Chrissie and I had access to a lovely house in Bridge of Cally, just outside of Blairgowrie. And as usual with our shoots something odd usually happens, and this day was no exception. Inside one of the main rooms we found a bat, it was tired and starving, it lay on the floor dormant and lethargic. How it got there we dont really know but it had obviously got in somehow and failed to find its way back out. We ended up putting it outside on the rafters of an outhouse with the hope that it would find some food and survive. It was all very odd.
Anyway we started off our shoot using the stables and quickly got down to taking some shots.
It was about this point that Chrissie noticed there was a small wasps nest in the stables and flew out shrieking like a banshee, I removed the nest and we headed into the wood shed for a bit to let the wasps settle down…..
Once the wasps disappeared we headed back into the stables….
I still dont think she was convinced the wasps were gone so we shot at the door in case a quick getaway was needed….
After a quick cuppa tea we shot some images on the patio decking, the garden was lush and green.
The sun lovely but getting a bit too contrasty for images so we headed into the ‘bat’ room!
It was a lovely room full of light and very warm wood colours.
It was a lovely day in a lovely place, rescuing bats, battling wasps, drinking tea and watching the birds. Chrissie was as stunning as ever, she never fails to impress or deliver, though she did freak out at the bat though!!……I have to admit that was funny!