Hurrah Summer time is on usual form during my summer shoot with Rachelle Summers and the rain pissed down big time in good style. Rachelle Summers and I have done loads of studio stuff due to various past circumstances, and we’ve been determined to do more location shoots. The last time we did a beach shoot one of my lenses failed to focus properly and most of the images were slightly soft due back focusing, fortunately we got lots of forest shots that time so it worked out great. So I was looking forward to re-doing the same type of shoot but with a working lens. Sadly the weather was awful and I didn’t book the studio as a backup as I kept hoping it would clear up. So anyways I picked her up at the station and headed straight for Costa for coffee and cake, and we sat there for a while watching the rain pour down. After a while we decided to head out to the beach anyway just to see what we could get. By the time we got there the rain had stopped but the sky and sea were shrouded in a dull low cloud funk. However we trooped on and got some rather good shots in the end, we didn’t change themes much as we were running out of time due to waiting for the weather to clear.
We walked on a bit towards some debris in the distance, when we got closer it turned out to be some very sturdy tree trunks, so we took advantage as you do….
Sadly by the time we got round to this the rain started to come back on and we had almost ran out of time anyway, which was a shame because there was much more debris that could have been used but such is life. I think we got some pretty cool shots considering the circumstances and working with Rachelle is always a pleasure, Hopefully more shoots next year 🙂