September 2015 rolls up and I managed to get a studio day sorted for the Camera Club featuring Stephanie Dubois, in fact we had to make it a day and a half because there was no room for my own slot on the first day. So I booked the morning after the main day. The first shoots here were mainly test shoots for lighting but they turned out well.
When it was Vron’s time to shoot she turned up, as usual, with a large pile of props and clothes, included this facinator …..
And I have to admit I’d been wanting to take images of Vron’s car for a long time, the little figaro looks amazing, it looks like a timeless classic. So we both went out with Stephanie and got some interesting shots…sadly the figaro didn’t live much longer, it was involved in a crash and came out very badly indeed, fortunately Vron fared better albeit with aches and pains.
The studio day was a big hit and everyone can away with some cracking shots. So the next day I had Stephanie for 4 hours, a couple of hours in the studio and then outside…in the fresh air.
Some rope as a pulling prop….and some dark light
Then we went down to Morton Lochs for a spell, it was still nice and warm outside too.
But before we got to shooting anything this little chap appeared…A Dunnock
There’s a log across a pond, its actually very stable but looks a bit dodgy when walking across it
It was a very nice day outside and Stephanie rocked it in and out of the studio. Highly recommended to any photographer, a very versatile model with a distinctive look.
Hopefully more image to come of Stephanie later in 2016……watch this space!
that spot in morton loch looked like a peaceful place was it very secluded?
i havent been to morton loch for while now and didnt even get a chance to fully explore it
No, not secluded, most of these shots were right next to the path or behind the car park. It’s very limited for model shoots but good for nature type shots.