For all the time I worked with Chrissie I only really worked with her in the studio once, as I was working on a panel of studio nudes this time I couldn’t really have a panel without a Chrissie in it! At home I found some fleece like material, its used for keeping bugs off the strawberries in the summer, its very light and see thru…So I knicked it when Allison wasn’t looking!
Chrissie also brought some props, an old suitcase and a small footstool, a miniature ottoman, plenty of stuff to work with. And so we did….
Next up…Shapes!
I’m sure customs officers would be surprised to find the contents of this suitcase!
Improper use of a footstool….but I doubt anyone’s gonna complain.
The fleece used as a veil across the studio….
So glad I persuaded Chrissie into the studio….totally stunning and creative, a master of improvising with props…ok a mistress of improv. I’m looking forward to the next studio shoot with her, a class performer and astounding model!