Adventures in the Assynt (part 2)

Breakfast at the Inchnadamph Hotel was a real feast after the breezy early morning shoot, I did intend to stink the place out with a plate of kippers but I was swayed by the thought of bacon, sausage and egg. After a hearty feed with copious amounts of coffee we all headed out to the Bone Caves, the weather had warmed up a little but the sky looked ominously gloomy and stormy. The Bone Caves are a good walking distance from the car park and well worth going to see even if you aren’t shooting, our first stop on the way there was lovely waterfall and pool.

Helen Stephens and Keira Lavelle
Helen Stephens and Keira Lavelle
Scarlot Rose, Rachelle Summers
Scarlot Rose and Rachelle Summers

Further up the track there was an old tree that looked ideal for a shoot, however on closer inspection the tree was just too old and fragile for doing much with, sadly it had seen better days and was simply too dangerous to climb etc….however the fallen branches looked interesting.

Scarlot Robinson, Keira Lavelle

It was a bit of a climb to the caves as they are halfway up the mountainside and cliff face, the caves were fabulous but so was the cliff face outside of them.

Keira Lavelle
Scarlot Rose (FIAP Gold)
The Eagles Nest – Keira Lavelle and Helen Stephens

Just inside one of the caves…shapes happened!

Scarlot Rose and Rachelle Summers
Helen Stephens
Scarlot Rose and Rachelle Summers

And inside one of the larger caves I decide to shoot outwards, the lighting was trickier and I ended up using the built-in camera flash for a little fill on occasion.

Scarlot Rose
Scarlot Rose and Rachelle Summers
Scarlot Rose
Scarlot Rose and Rachelle Summers

Meanwhile back on the cliff face, Keira decides to go climbing!

Keira Lavelle

Although it’s a great place for a shoot, it’s also a popular place for the general public. We had limited time there but fortunately we all got more than enough shots out of the location. And we meandered back down the track stopping off at places we had seen on the way up.

Helen Stephens, Scarlot Rose…underneath is Rachelle Summers and Keira Lavelle
Keira lavelle and Helen Stephens, Rachelle Summers and Scarlot Rose

Once we got back we cleaned up, relaxed and headed for dinner. Afterwards there was an image review which was fun, a bit of social time and banter before calling it a night, It was another early start again in the morning. I will leave that for the next blog in part 3.

‘Art Nude in the Landscape’ Workshops are run by Photoclassic/Howard Kennedy, you can find more details at

They run well organised workshops throughout the year and I highly recommend checking them out.

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