Nicole Rayner and I had been trying to get a shoot organised for a while but bad timing and the pandemic made things very difficult. Eventually in September we both managed to get a day sorted for a location shoot, the studio had been sold so location was the only option at that time, come hell or high water. As it turns out it was high water really, the morning of the shoot rained like the start of Noah’s flood. Before leaving the house I made a flask of coffee to warm us up on the beach, and then promptly left it behind as I ran out the door.
I picked Nicole up at the train station and headed for snacks before hitting the beach, luckily on the way there the rain eased off a bit and by the time I parked the car the rain had stopped. The clouds were still hanging in there creating a very dramatic scene.

We dragged a dress along with us…..just because…

And then Nicole decided to brave the water….

We head off to the forest for a break and warm up a bit…..things were still very soggy and water logged. After wandering around for a bit we came across this scene.

Heading back the car for a bite to eat and a break, the weather had improved a lot and even the sun threatened to make an appearance. We grabbed a couple of props and head back into the forest for more shots.

And then lastly we found the second world war lookout post….

Sadly we ran out of time, as every shoot seems to. We needed to head back to get Nicole’s next train, it was a grand day out which started out a bit grim weather wise but in the end the sun came out and it was fabulous in the September sunshine. And of course Nicole is genuinely a lovely person to work with, actually let me change that to; Nicole is a genuinely lovely person, full of ideas and creativity. Much chat and humour was had (but no coffee) and it was great to catch up with our past adventures since our last meeting.
Hopefully we’ll catch up again for another adventure at some point.