Well in July I got another chance to work with Tillie, it had been a while since we worked together last and being the Summer I booked the studio, well only for a couple of hours. The weather this July was very unpredictable, even more so than usual. I picked Tillie up at the Malmaison Hotel where she was staying with her new hubby. We headed off to the studio, stopping of for snacks on the way….as you do. Tillie picked healthy stuff and of course I picked all the junk food. The kettle went on, then the lights and then…..
Flash bang wallop!! and off we went with a whiz bang!
Some straight art nude shapes to start with….
Then I had this idea to create a cloud scene as if Tillie was making or weaving clouds.
Then onto some studio lighting techniques for some textures and creative shots
After a quick snack we headed down to the beach to dabble about in the sand and surf at Tentsmuir…such a fabulous beach for model shots….and empty!!
I gave most of the beach shots a painterly touch, just for something different..
Such a great day…we had a laugh and a bit a chuckle on the beach before having to hand Tillie over to her next photographers, Brain Martin and Derek Noble. Amazingly I remembered to put sun tan lotion on my head…hurrah I didn’t get burnt!
Anyways, another grand day out and adventure, it was good to work with Tillie again. It had been a while and I think our schedules didn’t match up for a while, however we got there in the end. Tillie is a fab model and is highly recommended to anyone, always fun and easy to work with, quick to laugh and good company too.