Stephanie Dubois – A Dragon in the Woods

Back in July 2020 during the easing of the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions in Scotland Stephanie and I managed to do a social distancing shoot on location. It was quite easy to do on location as models and photographers usually keep a respectful distance anyway. So the locations were deep in the Blair Atholl estate, I had been there a few years ago but nature has a habit of changing interesting spots and revealing new ones. The main area we shot in was around Cally Loch but because of the dense foliage we couldn’t actually see much of the loch at all, however there plenty of places to shoot in.

Stephanie Dubois
Stephanie Dubois
Stephanie Dubois

We shuffled our way round the loch, such a warm muggy windless day with a constant threat of a storm looming overhead but thankfully no midges!

Stephanie Dubois
Stephanie Dubois

Up to the side of the loch is a craggy rocky outcrop that looks over the loch, it makes for compelling images from different directions.

Stephanie Dubois

After this we packed up and moved on to another location, a goodly walk to an area and loch called Mill Dam. It took a while to get there and unfortunately there were too many people around to take advantage of the loch so we clambered over to a stream and bridge which seemed to be more isolated.

Stephanie Dubois
Stephanie Dubois

It was a busy place so we had a quick break and walked on to the next spot, again a goodly walk away…..and time was running out. When we got there nature had changed the scene considerably but we managed to get a few images on another rocky outcrop just as a storm was getting closer.

Stephanie Dubois

At this point the midges decided to show and the air was warm and stickier than before, this was the last spot for the shoot and not far from the carpark. Along the way on this shoot we saw toads, frogs, stonechats and a very brave red squirrel than ran between our legs (and a velociraptor rustling among the tall ferns!) . All in all a grand adventure out indeed, it’s always a real pleasure working with Stephanie, whether in the studio or on location. I think the next time I go to that location I will hire a couple of bikes to make the journey quicker and get round a few more ideal spots.

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