Monthly Archives: December 2015

Albi in the Studio

Some time  in May I got a message from Chrissie saying she had recommended me to a new model wishing to try some art nude in the studio. And sure enough I received a message from Albi saying she would like to organize a shoot, so the studio was duly booked. It was heartening to see that Albi had taken some advice on the subject regarding safety, she had checked out references and brought along her boyfriend as a chaperone  (always welcome as far as I’m concerned). She was a little nervous at first but soon warmed up as we got stuck into getting some images. Some simple poses first….

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Then onto using some materials and playing around with poses…


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After a quick break and a cuppa we checked to see if her boyfriend was still alive, he had fallen asleep on the sofa and slept through most of the shoot. We poked him, he moaned, so we reckon he was still alive, we moved on to some floor work.

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This image below won a PSA Honourable Mention In MNE International Circuit 2015


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Once we had some images we got down to experimenting a bit….


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As usual time runs out all too quickly but we did get a fair amount done, I think Albi has a future in the art nude world if she chooses, she grasped the idea of the genre fairly quickly and seemed confident by the end of the shoot. She took directions easily and wasn’t scared to experiment, very much a team player in that respect.

At the moment Albi is working on an exciting and different career path, and all power to her for that. She would certainly be a model to watch out for if she dips her toes back into art nude modelling.

Chrissie in Atholl Woods


Back in March of this year, Chrissie and I went for a little scout about a new location just at the back of Dunkeld. It was a bit strange to get to as it wasn’t sign posted and the entrance to the car park looked like the entrance to someone’s driveway or garden. After a while of walking we had spotted a few places that we could go back to for a shoot, also we got lost as the path way had lost a marker and we ended up walking 7 miles through mud and gutters instead of 3. By the time we got back to the car we were a bit bedraggled and more than a tad hungry!

However in May we went back for a shoot, by this time spring leaves were out and the grass was beginning to get some life back, everything looked fresh and bursting with life. The trouble and bonus with Scotland is that it has a very wild unpredictable character and the landscape changes so quickly depending on the weather. This is why its important to scout out locations first then judge which season would suit best.

The forest on one side of a loch had been cleared, leaving a rocky outcrop amidst the detritus of old branches and trees. It was a bit of a grey day when we started out.


Chrissie Red

Chrissie Red



Further up the road there is a millers dam (no sign of the mill, probably long gone) , it would seem quite popular with fishing boats, but most were still stowed away. On an old jetty we snagged a few images whilst no-one was about.







And down from the dam is a small river and bridge…..



And the sun starts to come out, things brighten up a bit


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However by this point we were getting a lot of walkers passing by so we decided to move on and try the path we should taken the last time we were there. However by the time we got to a fantastic section of it the sun came out and the area being too contrasty to work with, but we did get a few images bagged…under a cliff face.

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By the time we got back the sun was lovely for May…..and was just time for lunch at the cafe in Dunkeld.

Another grand day out and adventure!