Recently I’ve had an outbreak of images stolen and I’m sure many photographers do, it’s a risk we take by putting our work online, however my latest theft has been from an artist. Someone who should really know better, an artist that has been working for many years now and to be honest (pun intended) should hang her head in shame.
So who is the artist, her name is Brita Seifert and she has been quite the thief, but let me go back a little in the story. As I said when you get images stolen it tends to make you a little paranoid, yes yes I know… but more than usual. So recently I’ve been checking images more often using the Google image search feature. And up came this image :-

‘The Magic of Spring’ by Brita Seifert
Quite well done I say however its a copy of my image of Rachelle Summers :-

Rachelle Summers
Such a copy is a flagrant breach of Copyright, artist are allowed to copy from photographs for reference purposes but not to copy an entire image. Once I saw this image I emailed Brita and asked her to remind me of the note I had given her for permission to use this image, I received no answer but 5 days later all signs of the painting were gone from her website, Facebook, DA etc etc…..still no answer by email. The daft thing is had she asked to use I would have said yes, I have yet to say no to anyone .
Anyhow during the 5 days of waiting I got to thinking; she has a lot of nudes and models on her site and I wondered how many of them were used from photographs without the photographers permission or awareness. So I started to Google her painting and lo and behold it was amazing how many ‘paintings’ were very close to original photographs. Although in saying that, some weren’t…as you can see she lifted the model and put her in a new setting.

‘The Ritual’ by Brita Seifert
And this this image by French Photographer and Model Elfyah Sne Amok:-

‘Silent Sighing Song’ by Elfyah Sne Amok
Ah but there’s more…much more:-
‘Cellist’ by Brita Seifert…selling for 1150 euros
and this one by the excellent photographer Erkin Sahin:-

‘Painted Cellist’ by Erkin Sahin
‘Misery’ by Brita Seifert
From American photographer :-
‘So Simple’ by Marcus J Ranum
And so it goes on, image after image…..none of the photographers I had contacted had given her permission to use the images and were completely unaware of the paintings. These images are scheduled to be on display and sold in Galleries in the Netherlands, I don’t think the Gallery organizers would be best pleased to find out the truth but them I’m guessing, maybe they wont give a damn as long as they sell.