Ruby Rosetta

So way back in the summertime; well, July anyways….it wasn’t much of a summer let’s face it, twas cold and damp and generally a bit keech weather wise. There was a few bright spots however and one of them was a chance to work with Ruby, she was on a tour of the country along with Fizzy for company. I took a day off work and picked her up from the railway station at Leuchars as our destination was right next door at Morton Lochs. There are a few places round Morton Lochs that are remote and quiet, and some are very busy indeed, fortunately this day was fairly quiet. After a cup of coffee from my never ending flask and a few mini doughnuts we headed off into the forest to do a mixture of nudes and clothed stuff.

But before we got down to it we made a friend

So off we go…

Then we found a lot more friends of a much smaller sort……..

These little froglets were all over the ground…heading for the lochs, their instincts seemed to be pointing them in the right direction…the trouble was trying not to stand on them!!
The next friend we had no chance of standing on…..

And so avoiding the frogs and horses we managed to work our way through the woods without getting caught doing unspeakable things to wildlife….

As the forest got busier we headed to the beach for a little change…..there we found some props washed up on the sand.

All in all a fun shoot and Ruby was definitely a great person to have on a shoot, chatty and full of life with a down to earth approach, highly recommended.

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