The Return of the Flame!!
Well, what can I say in this blog….Once upon a time in Scotland…we had a sunny day!!!
shock horror scandal….the end!
Ok we did stuff in between however in there lies a story of sorts. In my previous blog I say how I went location hunting and found Castle Monan and Lady’s Tower so when Holly said she was coming up and would you like to shoot I knew where to take her. However there was one place I had earmarked to take her and that was an old abandoned airstrip near Crail, it was called RAF Jackdaw.
The potential for shoots in this place is absolutely amazing.
However I just couldn’t help listening to the little voice inside me that said no….don’t take anyone there. As I was wandered round the place I bumped into the owner of the site who was a little hostile or suspicous at first but once we got chatting he agreed to let me shoot at any time and was quite friendly…..however I just couldn’t help this feeling of that I shouldn’t be here. So with reluctance I rejected the location and took Holly to Tentsmuir beach…what a result!!!
And this image has had a FIAP acceptance
It was so hot that day I had to borrow some of Holly’s sun tan lotion for my head!…in March!!!
Holly braved the cold water and damp sand but soon warmed up in the sun, such a scorching day I got sun burnt. Anyways of we went to Castle Monans
By this time we were running out of time…and we still had Lady’s Tower to do!!
and this portrait has had a FIAP acceptance
Holly was as stunning as ever…… truely full of grace.