The Princess and The Frog

As I mentioned in one on my previous blogs Tim Pile was heading up to Scotland, his plan was to work with Chrissie Red and Ivory Flame/Holly in various locations. So as it happened Holly came up first and Nicola and myself booked her for a studio session at Studio RoRo for a morning. By this time in September the weather was starting to cool and a studio session seemed like a good idea. After a quick makeup prep Holly produced this wonderful garment from her bag, it floated like smoke…so we got down to shooting it.





Then I went a little experimental….as you do!

DSC_8759-Edit-2Then I dragged out an old favourite prop of mine.




DSC_8799-EditThen back to  experimenting with materials…this time with movement.

The Dance


And then some art nude to finish of with.


Reaching for the Light



After the studio I booked some extra time on my own with Holly for some location work and we headed off to Little Ballo, this location is very changeable throughout the seasons and at this time of the year we were getting to the deer rutting period. I was hoping to show Holly some wild deer but unfortunately a family with a party of dogs got there before us and the chances of seeing wild deer after that were nil. However we came to shoot…and shoot we did.




At this time of year its the last of the green grass before it turns to its Autumn colours. And the dead trees are still mossy….and some dead trees dry up and turn a silver colour.


The Holly TreeSo obviously we made the most of the setting and got some excellent images.

Decay and Rebirth


It was a tad chilly by now as the sun had gone and the air had cooled so we had dancing and singing sessions between shots, we dubbed ourselves the Boogie Trolls.

Oh and of course The Frog!!…well I’m not going to tell you the frog story, all I can say is that there was a frog and it did seem to like Holly a lot. And I’m not surprised, Holly was outstanding as always, it was a fab day….topped off with a huge curry afterwards.






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